The next time you can’t control yourself around chocolate, just blame it on the 100 trillion little voices living in your gut.
It’s happened to all of us. All is good and grande in the world, and suddenly and without warning we must have [insert your gluttonous guilty pleasure], and we must have it now! It’s as if someone has planted a devious thought directly in our minds, commanding us to gorge ourselves on everything we know we shouldn’t (goodbye waistline!). Well it turns out we might not be as schizophrenic as I’m making us out to be. There might actually be someone, or rather something(s), causing the cravings. And they just might be planting thoughts in our mind in ways we’re just starting to unravel. Research is demonstrating that we could be eating, tasting, and being emotionally manipulated by decisions arising from a complex ecosystem of roughly 100 trillion little organisms competing in our mini-brain - the gut [1].
“Bacteria within the gut are manipulative”